The entire content on the (which includes, but is not limited to): texts, graphics, visuals, products, ideas, pictures, videos, sounds are the property of S.C. Elena etigee S.R.L., registered with the Galati Trade Register under no. J17/37/10.01.2022, C.U.I. 45336756, with the registered office in Galati, Strada Barbosi No.21 E, Bl.L, Sc.3.

The graphic insignia, names, trademarks (such as, for example: the name of the Etigecouture Website and the name of the company Elena etigee) are the property of S.C. Elena etigee S.R.L. and cannot be taken over and/or used without the prior written consent of the owner.

The Website and all content, features (including, but not limited to, all information, software, text, displays, images, videos and audio, as well as their design, selection and arrangement), are owned by The Company or its suppliers.

Use of the Website is permitted only for personal, non-commercial use. It is not allowed to reproduce, distribute, modify, download, store information and content, create derivative works, publicly display any of the materials on the Website, except for the following:
- temporary storage of copies of these materials in your computer for later viewing
- printing pages of the Website for personal, non-commercial use and not for further reproduction, publication or distribution.

Printing, copying, modifying, downloading or otherwise using the Website in violation of the TCU, will imply that the right to use the Website will immediately stop and the culprit must, without any request from The Company, return or destroy copies of the materials he has made.

It is not allowed to use illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphic representation separately from the enclosing text.

You may not delete or modify any copyright notice, trademark or other proprietary rights in the materials on this Website.

It is not permitted to access or use for commercial purposes any part of the Website, services or materials available through the Website.

Any use of the website that is not expressly permitted by these TCU is a violation of these TCU and may violate copyrights, trademarks and other laws.


The Company does not warrant that the Websites and their content are error-free or that all content is 100% accurate and valid.

Any error, omission, typographical or drafting mistake that occurs in the sales documentation or on the Website, on the offers, on the price list, invoice or other document or information provided by the Company shall be corrected without any liability on the part of the Company.

No Content transmitted to the User or the Buyer, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and/ or viewing the Website does not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of the Company and / or the employee / servant of the Company who mediated the transfer of Content, if any, to that Content.

The characteristics of the products presented on the Website are those made available by the producers and suppliers and the Company provides the technical support for their display.

The Company is not liable for the damages created, for reasons that exclude its fault, for the non-functioning of the Website as well as for those resulting from the impossibility of accessing the Pages of the Website (e.g. malfunctions of the Internet network).

The Company is not liable and will not be deemed to have violated the TCU in the event of inability or delay to perform any of the obligations under the TCU, if the delay occurred for reasons beyond the control of the Company such as force majeure, fortuitous cases, changes in legislation, interruptions in the power supply, disconnection or any actions of any employee of the Company made in bad faith.

The Company will not be liable if, for any reason, all parts of the Website are not available at any time or during any period. From time to time, the Company may restrict access to certain parts of the Website or to the entire Website for users, including registered users.

The Company does not guarantee or assume any liability for any loss or damage related to or in connection with the purchase of products on the Website through any payment processor. The Company does not guarantee and assumes no liability for the loss, misuse of financial information by the payment processor or the bank issuing the bank card.

The buyer is solely responsible for all transactions that use the financial information or for the fees charged by the payment processor or bank issuing bank of the bank card.

The Company does not guarantee or assume any liability for direct or indirect loss of profit, special or indirect loss or damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation (caused by the negligence of employees of the Company or of third parties that are in connection with the contract).


Any complaint or complaint in connection with the Website, the TCU or the execution of the Agreement must be sent by e-mail to the address mentioning all details, including the date of purchase and order number where applicable, full name and surname, address and contact details.

All matters relating to the Website and the TCU and any dispute or claim arising therefrom or in connection with them (in each case, including non-contractual disputes or claims), are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Romania.

Any disputes arising between the Buyer and the Company in connection with the Website or the TCU will first be settled amicably. If this is not possible, the settlement will be the responsibility of the competent courts