Terms and conditions of use


ETIGE COUTURE, www.etigecouture.com , hereinafter referred to as ETIGE COUTURE , is the brand of the company ELENA ETIGEE SRL , organized under Romanian law, CUI 45446756 J17/37/10.01.2022
POINT OF WORK: STRADA BARBOSI NR. 21 E 42 BL. L, PARTER, GALATI , Postal Code 800400 with open account in lei
RO27INGB000099999912141333 at Ing Bank
- all information on the SITE that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using a numeric equipment;
- the content of any newsletter or e-mail sent to its USERS or CUSTOMERS by ETIGE COUTURE by electronic means and/or any other available means of communication;
- any information communicated by any means whatsoever by an employee of ETIGE COUTURE to the USER or CUSTOMER, whether or not in accordance with the contact information specified by the USER or CUSTOMER;
- information related to the products, services and/or prices charged by ETIGE COUTURE in a given period;
- information related to the products, services and/or tariffs charged by a third party with which ETIGE COUTURE has entered into partnership agreements, in a given period;
- data relating to ETIGE COUTURE, or other proprietary data of ETIGE COUTURE. SERVICE - the electronic commerce service conducted exclusively on the publicly available portions of the WEBSITE, in the sense of giving the CLIENT the possibility to contract products and/or services using exclusively electronic means, including other means of remote communication (i.e. telephone).
USER - The natural or legal person of public or private law who has or obtains access to the WEBSITE, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or on the basis of a user agreement between anaradu.com and the USER.
ACCOUNT - the set consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allows a single USER to access restricted areas of the WEBSITE through which the SERVICE is accessed.
CUSTOMER - the natural or legal person, public or private, who has or obtains access to the SITE and the SERVICE, by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.) or on the basis of a user agreement between etigecouture.com and it, or the natural or legal person who benefits from the products and/or services offered by etigecouture.com and purchased by it through the use of the SERVICE.
DOCUMENT - these Terms and Conditions
NEWSLETTER - means of periodic information, exclusively electronic, on the products, services and/or promotions offered by etigecouture.com during a given period, without any commitment on the part of etigecouture.com regarding the information contained therein.


This document sets out the terms and conditions of use of the site/content/service by the user or client, unless the user or client has another valid user agreement between ETIGE COUTURE and the user.
1. a. Access to the service is exclusively through the public website www.etigecouture.com .
1. b. The use, including but not limited to accessing, visiting and viewing, of the content/service, implies the user's or client's adherence to these terms and conditions unless the content does not have distinctly formulated terms of use.
1. c. By using the site/content/service, the User or Customer is solely responsible for all activities that result from its use. He is also liable for any material, intellectual or electronic damage or any other kind of damage caused to the site, the content, the service, ETIGE COUTURE or any third party with whom ETIGE COUTURE has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.
1. d. If the User or the Customer does not agree and/or does not accept and/or revokes his acceptance of the document:
1.d.1. he/she renounces to: access to the service, other services offered by ETIGE COUTURE through the site, receipt of newsletters and/or communications from ETIGE COUTURE of any kind (electronic, telephone, etc.), without any further guarantee from ETIGE COUTURE.
1.d.2. ETIGE COUTURE will delete all data referring to it from its database, without any subsequent obligation of either party towards the other or without either party being able to claim damages from the other.
1. e. The Customer/User may at any time revoke its decision to agree and/or accept the document in the form in which it is available at that time.
1.f. In order to exercise the right provided for in art 1.4, he may contact ETIGE COUTURE, or use the links in the content received from ETIGE COUTURE for this purpose.
1. g. The Client may not revoke the agreement expressed in favour of the document during the term of a Contract, or until the Client has paid the consideration for all outstanding Contracts to ETIGE COUTURE.
1.h. If the Customer has paid the consideration for all outstanding Contracts to ETIGE COUTURE and revokes its consent to the document during the term of an Order ETIGE COUTURE shall cancel its Order without any further obligation of either party to the other or without either party being entitled to claim damages from the other.


2.a. The information/image content presented on the ETIGE COUTURE website is the intellectual property of ETIGE COUTURE.
2.b. The Customer/User is not permitted to copy, transfer, modify and/or otherwise alter, use, link to, display, include any Content in any context other than as originally intended by ETIGE COUTURE, include any Content outside of the ETIGE COUTURE website and, remove any marks signifying ETIGE COUTURE's copyright in the Content and participate in the transfer, sale, distribution of any material made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, except with ETIGE COUTURE's express consent.
2.c. Any content to which the User or Customer has and/or obtains access by any means whatsoever is subject to the document, unless the content is accompanied by a specific and valid use agreement between ETIGE COUTURE and the User, and without any implied or express warranty by ETIGE COUTURE with respect to that content. 2. e. If ETIGE COUTURE grants the Customer/User the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, specific content to which the User has or obtains access as a result of this agreement, this right extends only to the content(s) defined in the agreement, only for the period of its or their existence on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the conditions defined in the agreement, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment on the part of ETIGE COUTURE for the respective User, Customer or any other third party who has/have access to this content transferred, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this content, during or after the expiry of the use agreement.
2. f. No content transmitted to the User or Customer, by any means of communication (electronic, telephonic, etc.) or acquired by the User or Customer by accessing, visiting and/or viewing shall constitute a contractual obligation on the part of ETIGE COUTURE and/or the ETIGE COUTURE employee who has facilitated the transfer of the content, if any, with respect to such content.
2. g. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the Document or the accompanying User Agreement, if any, is prohibited.


3.a. etigecouture.com publishes on the site the complete and correct identification and contact details of the Client or User.
3.b. By using the contact form or the service present on the site, the User or Client allows ETIGE COUTURE to contact him by any available means including electronic means.
3. c. The partial or full completion of the contact form and its submission does not constitute in any way a commitment on the part of ETIGE COUTURE to contact the User or the Client.
3. d. Access to the site, use of the information presented therein, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications to ETIGE COUTURE is done electronically, by telephone, or any other means of communication available to the User or the Client and ETIGE COUTURE, and the User or the Client is deemed to consent to receive no including communications by e-mail or website advertisements.
3. e. ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right not to respond to all requests of any nature, received by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.).


4.a. Receipt of the newsletter implies the completion of a form by the User or Client and the unconditional acceptance of the document, if he has not already expressed this agreement.
4.b. The data collected from the User or Client for the purpose of sending the newsletter can and will be used by ETIGE COUTURE within the limits of the Privacy Policy.
4. c. The User or Client may opt out of receiving the newsletter at any time:
4.c.1. Using the special link within any newsletter received.
4.c.2. By modifying his or her acceptance to receive the newsletter and using pages from restricted areas, using the account.
4. c. 3. By contacting ETIGE COUTURE , in accordance with the contact information, and without any further obligation of either party to the other or without either party being able to claim damages from the other.
4. d. Withdrawal of the receipt of the newsletter does not imply a waiver of acceptance of the document.
4. e. ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to select the persons to whom it will send the newsletter and the right to remove from its database any User or Customer who has previously expressed his consent to receive the newsletter, without any further commitment on the part of ETIGE COUTURE, or any prior notification thereof.
4. f ETIGE COUTURE will not include in its newsletters sent to the User or Customer any other advertising material in the form of content referring to any third party who is not a partner of ETIGE COUTURE at the time of sending the newsletter.


5. a. Access to the Service is granted to any user who owns or creates an account.
5. b. In order to be allowed access to the service, the User must accept the provisions of the document.
5. c. ETIGE COUTURE may limit the Customer's access to the Service, depending on the Customer's previous behaviour.
5. d. It is forbidden to share an account between several customers.
5. e. In the event that such access is discovered, ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to cancel or suspend the customer's access to the content or service.


6.a The products sold through www.etigecouture.com are new, in ETIGE COUTURE packaging and at the time of delivery are accompanied by a tax invoice and warranty certificate, according to the legislation in force. Products and services are offered subject to compliance with the provisions of this document and within the limits of available stock. For this reason ETIGE COUTURE assumes the right not to honour a certain order if the product is no longer in the current offer of ETIGE COUTURE.
6. b The prices shown include VAT (19%) and do not include delivery costs. The purchase price printed on the invoice will be the same as the one established by the ETIGE COUTURE customer advisor at the moment of the order confirmation as a firm order.
6.c Even if, despite our efforts, a small number of products may have wrong prices on the site, wrongly established by our computer application, it is always considered the final price accepted by the customer in discussions with ETIGE COUTURE consultants and customers. If the actual price of the product is higher than the price published on the website, our sales consultants are entitled to satisfy your request to deliver the product at the price published on the website, only to the extent that we are able to do so, as you are also entitled to refuse that order.
6.d ETIGE COUTURE makes no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the operation of this site, the information, the accuracy of the descriptions, the timeliness of the content, the products on the site and their fitness for a particular purpose. Users expressly agree that the use of this site and the purchase of related products or services is at their own risk, the only exception being ETIGE COUTURE's obligation to grant users the right to unilaterally terminate the contract in accordance with applicable law, as detailed below in this document. The images published on the site are for example only and the products delivered may differ from the images presented in any way (colour, accessories, appearance, etc.) .


7.a. ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to change the prices charged for products and/or services available on the website without prior notification to the User or the Client.
7.b. The purchase price of the products and services is that at the time of the order, within the limit of available stock.
7. c. The purchase price of promotional products and services is the price at the time of the order, within the limit of available stock and/or the promotional period, if defined.
7. d. The purchase price of the products or services in an order issued may not be changed at a time subsequent to its issuance except with the agreement of the parties.
7.e. The purchase price of goods and/or services in an honoured contract may not be changed.
7. f. The Customer may cancel the products and services purchased by order only during the period between the issue of the order and its conversion into a contract, only if the method of payment chosen by the Customer is cash on delivery.
7. g. The customer may cancel the products and/or services purchased under the contract in accordance with Article 13.
7. h. Promotions and discounts apply only during the period mentioned on the promotional materials, and prices are calculated according to the conditions stipulated therein.
7. i. In case of return of the products in promotion: If by removing a product/products the conditions stipulated on the promotion materials are no longer met, the price of the product/products remaining in the order will be calculated without applying the promotion!


8.a. The customer can place orders for products sold at a given time exclusively on the website.
8.b. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that all the data provided by him/her, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true at the date of placing the order, referred to in this document as the order issued.
8. c. By completing the order the Customer consents that ETIGE COUTURE may contact the Customer, for the following purposes/situations, by any means available/agreed by ETIGE COUTURE, depending on the purpose/situation:
8.c.1. Validating the availability of the products and quantities purchased by the Customer.
8. c. 2. Validation by the Customer of the value of the order placed, according to art. 8.c.1, and including, depending on the situation, other value added services (i.e. transport, etc.).
8.c.3. Agree on the details of delivery of the products.
8.d. ETIGE COUTURE may automatically terminate the order placed by the Customer, without any further obligation of either party towards the other or without either party being able to claim damages from the other, in the following cases:
8.d.1. the data provided by the Customer on the website is incomplete or incorrect
8. d. 2. The Client's activity on the site may and/or does cause damage of any kind on the part of ETIGE COUTURE and/or its partners
8.d.3. without any justification.
8.e. The Customer may cancel an order placed when contacted in accordance with 8.c.
8.e. From the moment the Customer validates the countervalue of the order placed or ETIGE COUTURE informs the Customer of its validated order, the Customer's order becomes a Distance Contract, thus applying the definitions contained in GEO (Government Emergency Ordinance) no. 34/2014, referred to in this document as Contract, to which these Terms and Conditions are attached, but not limited to.
8. f. The details of delivery of the products including but not limited to the time required for delivery do not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of ETIGE COUTURE , without either party being entitled to claim damages from the other, in the event that either party may be or is in any way prejudiced as a result of the breach thereof.
8. g. In the event that a Customer modifies his/her personal data, using the forms available on the website, all contracts in force at that time shall retain the data defined/accepted by the Customer prior to the time of modification.
8. h. Only one voucher may be used by the Customer per order placed online. The use of more than one voucher will lead to the cancellation of the order by ETIGE COUTURE representatives.
8. i. The order pick-up schedule is from Monday to Friday between 09.00 - 16.00, delivery will be made by courier from Monday to Friday between 09.00 - 18.00.


9. a The ordered products must be paid in full, otherwise the delivery will not be made. Payment for products ordered from the website www.etigecouture.com according to these "Terms and Conditions" can be made in advance or upon delivery of the products (refund). ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right in certain cases to request payment in advance.
9. b Payment in advance can be made by money order; proof of payment must be sent to ETIGE COUTURE at the e-mail address etige@yahoo.com. Delivery will be made only after the money has been credited to ETIGE COUTURE's account.


10.a Delivery of products in stock will be made anywhere in the country within 3-7 days. In case of failure to deliver within the mentioned time, you will be contacted by phone.
ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to confirm orders prior to their fulfilment by contacting customers. Delivery is made by express courier, rates varying according to locality.
10.b If the customer is not found at the mentioned address, within the agreed time, our courier will return one more time after he succeeds in contacting him, after which the order will be cancelled and the product returned to ETIGE COUTURE, the customer will bear the costs of a new delivery, regardless of the value of the products ordered. The delivery address of the product will be confirmed with ETIGE COUTURE customer advisor, only in writing by email.
In the case of customers who have refused deliveries in their order history, ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right not to ship subsequent orders until after payment in advance.
10. c. Receipt of the products represents the customer's acceptance that the products have arrived in good condition and working order and represents the signature on the legal fiscal documents. The invoice constitutes the sale/purchase contract according to the Romanian legislation in force. The customer expresses his explicit agreement when signing the invoice that he has received the product(s) that is (are) in accordance with the order and his needs.
10.d ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to delay or cancel deliveries of the ordered products if they cannot be honoured for reasons beyond ETIGE COUTURE's control which include: fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, strikes, governmental actions, wars, acts of terrorism, protests, riots, civil disturbances or other impediments of force majeure according to the Romanian law.
10. e. The maximum amount of damages payable by ETIGE COUTURE to any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery is the amount of the amount received by ETIGE COUTURE from that customer.
10.f. ETIGE COUTURE products are produced in its own original production and are offered subject to compliance with the provisions of these rules and within the limits of available stock. Certain products may be made in limited or unique edition, so for the above mentioned situations ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right not to honour certain orders.


Warranty conditions are in accordance with Law 449/2003 and O.G. 21/1992. When requesting the guarantee, the defective product must be presented in its original packaging, together with the related accessories, a copy of the invoice and the original guarantee certificate. If the products arrive unaccompanied by these documents, the products may be returned to the applicant/sender without the guarantee being settled.


12.a. The ETIGE COUTURE customer may return products purchased under a Contract in the following situations:
12.a.1. the product does not conform to the specifications on the website
12.a.2. Parcels showing severe damage
12.a.3. Products that have been delivered incorrectly
12.a.4. Products with wrong sizes (thicknesses) ordered
12.a.5. "The consumer has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, without penalty and without giving any reason, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the product or, in the case of services, of conclusion of the contract. The only costs which may be borne by the consumer are the direct costs of returning the products". O.U.G. (Government Emergency Ordinance) no. 34/2014, for natural persons purchasing products from websites using remote communication techniques, the definitions contained in O.U.G. (Government Emergency Ordinance) no. 34/2014 apply.
12.b. The customer is obliged to notify ETIGE COUTURE, his intention to return the purchased products, by any means of written communication (e-mail/etige@yahoo.com, ) within a maximum of 30 calendar days after receipt of the products and/or services, in the case of art. 13.a.5.
12. c. The Customer is obliged to notify ETIGE COUTURE of his intention to have the purchased products replaced, according to art. 12.a.4, by any means of communication (e-mail/telephone/etc.) within a maximum of 30 calendar days after receipt of the products and/or services, according to art. 12.a.5.
12.d. The Customer who has notified ETIGE COUTURE according to art 12.a.2 / art 12.a.3, is responsible for ensuring that the products referred to will be returned to ETIGE COUTURE within a maximum of 30 calendar days from the date of dispatch of the notification, otherwise ETIGE COUTURE will consider the claim unfounded/invalid.
12. e. The ETIGE COUTURE Customer may not return products purchased under a Contract, and/or claim any other damages/damages, for the following purposes or situations:
12.e.1. Replacement of the purchased product by another product of different specifications or of a different type, except in the situation provided for in article 12.a.4.
12.e.2. The request for return in the case of art. 12.a.2 or 12.a.3 caused by any of the situations referred to in 12.1 has a dispatch date that exceeds the period of 30 calendar days referred to in art.
12.1.5, from the working day following the date of the fulfilled contract.
12.e.3. In case of return of the product with one of the causes stated in art. 12.1, the returned product is not in the same condition in which it was delivered (in the original packaging with all labels intact and the accompanying documents).
12. f. In the case of refund of the product, this will be done within 15 days from the date of receipt of the products, by offering a voucher on www.etigecouture .com with a validity of 1 year.
12. g. In case of replacement of the product with an identical one, according to 12.1.4, the replacement will be made under the conditions and within the limits of a normal order.
12. h. If the Customer has returned a product in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.1.4 and etigecouture.com does not have an identical product for replacement, it will offer the Customer a voucher of the same value and valid for 1 year.
12. i. The additional service fee, including but not limited to the transport of the products, paid by the customer, is not refundable, parcels sent by Romanian post will be refused.
12. j. In all cases, the return/shipping costs will be borne by the customer.
12. k. The breaking of the security seal entails the removal of the products from the returnable category.
Returned products should be sent to ELENA ETIGEE SRL, Barbosi Street, nr. 21, E 42, Bl L, Ground Floor, postal code 800400, Galati, Romania.


Quality of hosting services, links to other sites, malfunctions
The ETIGE COUTURE website is hosted on the servers of a third company. ETIGE COUTURE cannot be held responsible for any errors occurring on the site regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, including changes to the site, settings, or updates to scheduled scripts. ETIGE COUTURE cannot be held responsible for errors occurring due to the use of certain browsers to visit the ETIGE COUTURE website. ETIGE COUTURE is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites linked to from www.etigecouture.com. For those sites, full responsibility is borne by the owners of those sites.
Subscribe and unsubscribe to the newsletter
Subscribing and unsubscribing to the www.etigecouture.com newsletter is free and voluntary, and implies acceptance of the following terms of use. Messages sent are not unsolicited and you can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of each email. The messages sent respect the Electronic Commerce law regarding commercial communication as stipulated by Romanian and international legislation.
The use of the newsletter is made under the same conditions of limitation of liability in terms of content as it authorizes the use of the site, under the conditions set forth in this document, and the privacy policy is described in detail in the following section. ETIGE COUTURE owns all rights to thecontent of the newsletter sent to subscribers under the same conditions as for the information published on the site, in accordance with the provisions of this document.
Subscribers to the ETIGE COUTURE newsletter may resend these commercial communications to other persons, at their own risk, and provided that they have not modified either the structure or the content of these messages. Persons who have received commercial messages from ETIGE COUTURE newsletter subscribers are deemed to have been informed in advance by the subscribers of the provisions of this article. In this context, ETIGE COUTURE cannot be held liable in any way for the actions of its subscribers.
ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to restrict the access of any subscriber to the newsletter, if it has any reason to believe that the subscriber does not comply with the provisions of this document.
13.1. ETIGE COUTURE does not ask its Customers or Users by any means of communication (e-mail/telephone/SMS/etc) for information regarding confidential data, bank accounts/cards or personal passwords.
13.2. The Client / User assumes full responsibility for the disclosure of his/her confidential data to a third party.
13.3. anaradu.com disclaims any liability, in the event that a User/Customer would be/is harmed in any way by a third party claiming to be/representing the interests of ETIGE COUTURE.
13.4. The Client or User shall inform ETIGE COUTURE of such attempts, using the contact details.
13.5. ETIGE COUTURE does not promote SPAM.
13.6. Any user/customer who has explicitly provided his/her email address on the site may opt to have it deleted.
13.7. Communications made by ETIGE COUTURE by electronic means of distance communication (i.e. e-mail) contain the sender's complete and correct identification data or links to them at the time of transmission of the content.
13.8. The following purposes achieved or not achieved will be considered as an attempt to defraud the site/content and/or ETIGE COUTURE and criminal proceedings will be initiated against the person(s) who attempted to or did achieve such purpose(s):
13.8.1. to access data of any kind of another User/Customer by using an account or by any other method.
13.8.2. alter or otherwise modify the content of the Site or Content sent by any method by ETIGE COUTURE to the User/Customer.
13.8.3. to affect the performance of the server(s) on which the Site runs
13.8.4. access or disclose to any third party who does not have the necessary legal authority, the content sent by any means by ETIGE COUTURE to the User/Customer when the User/Customer is not the legitimate recipient of the content.


14.a ETIGE COUTURE. cannot be held liable to any natural or legal person using or relying on the content.
14.b. ETIGE COUTURE cannot be held liable for any kind of damage (direct, indirect, accidental or otherwise /etc) resulting from the use or inability to use the content information presented or not presented on the site or for any kind of errors or omissions in the presentation of the content that may lead to any kind of loss.
14. c. If a User/Customer considers that Content sent by any means by ETIGE COUTURE infringes copyright or any other rights, he/she may contact ETIGE COUTURE for details, according to the contact details, so that ETIGE COUTURE can make an informed decision.
14. d ETIGE COUTURE does not grant the user or customer access to the site or the service and does not grant the user or customer the right to download or modify part and/or all of the content, to reproduce part and/or all of the content, to copy, or to exploit any content in any other way, or to transfer to any third party any content to which it has and/or has obtained access under a user agreement, without ETIGE COUTURE's prior written consent.
14.e. ETIGE COUTURE is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites linked to from the Content, regardless of the nature of the link. For those sites, the liability is borne entirely by their owners.
14. f. ETIGE COUTURE is exonerated from any liability in case of use of the sites and/or the content transmitted to the User or the Client by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), through the sites, by e-mail or by an employee of ETIGE COUTURE, when this use of the content can or causes damages of any nature on the part of the User, the Client and/or any third party involved in this transfer of Content.
14. g. ETIGE COUTURE makes no direct or indirect warranties that:
14.g.1. the service/product will be suitable for the Customer's requirements
14.g.2. the service/product will be uninterrupted, reliable or error-free of any kind
14.g.3. the products/services obtained free of charge or against payment through the service will meet the customer's requirements or expectations
14.h. The operators, administrators and/or owners of the site are in no way responsible for the relationships or consequences thereof resulting from, but not limited to, purchases, special offers, promotions, promotions, or any other type of relationship/linkage/transaction/collaboration/etc. that may arise between the customer or user and any of those who promote themselves directly or indirectly through the site.


15.a. ETIGE COUTURE guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. This information may be used by ETIGE COUTURE to send the user confirmation of orders, various special offers, promotions, etc. only with the prior consent of the customer. The provision of personal data to ETIGE COUTURE does not imply any obligation on the part of the users and they may refuse to provide this data in any circumstances and may request their deletion from the database free of charge. Any such request/notification for deletion from the database shall be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to etige@yahoo.com, or by post/courier to: ELENA ETIGEE SRL - strada Barbosi, nr. 21 E 42, Bl L, Parter , postal code 800400, Galati, Romania.
15. b. ETIGE COUTURE undertakes that personal data will not be disseminated to third parties except to the direct marketing operator. Personal data may however be transmitted to the authorities entitled to verify commercial transactions or to other authorities entitled to carry out any checks justified by law, if requested to do so in accordance with the laws in force.
15. c. The information provided to ETIGE COUTURE is used only for the purpose for which it was entered (placing orders, sending messages to OFG staff, subscribing to the newsletter, etc.), according to the laws in force. ETIGE COUTURE does not provide your e-mail address to third parties, does not encourage spam, and does not make public the data provided by its customers without their explicit consent.
15. d. ETIGE COUTURE certifies that it respects the rights conferred to you by Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, Law no. 365/2002 on electronic commerce, as well as Ordinance no. 130/2000 on the protection of consumers in the conclusion and execution of distance contracts as amended. These rights include (but are not limited to):
- the right to ask ETIGE COUTURE to confirm whether or not your personal data is being processed, free of charge;
- the right to ask ETIGE COUTURE to rectify, update, block or delete, free of charge, those data provided whose processing does not comply with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001;
- the right to request ETIGE COUTURE to stop, free of charge, the processing of your personal data;
- the right to ask ETIGE COUTURE to stop sending promotional messages.
Any such request/notification shall be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to etige@yahoo.com or by post/courier to the address: strada Barbosi , nr. 21 E 42 Bl L, parter , postal code 800400, Galati , Romania.
ETIGE COUTURE can not be held responsible for errors arising from user negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of his account and password. ETIGE COUTURE can not be held liable in any way for the loss or alteration of personal data stored for the purpose specified in this document.


16. a. Unless expressly provided otherwise, neither party to a concluded contract which is still in progress shall be liable for failure to perform on time and/or properly, in whole or in part, any of its obligations under the contract if the failure to perform such obligation was caused by an event of force majeure.
16. b. The party or the legal representative of the party claiming the aforementioned event is obliged to inform the other party immediately and in full of its occurrence and to take any measures at its disposal to limit the consequences of the event.
16. c. The party or the legal representative of the party claiming the above mentioned event is released from this obligation only if the event prevents him from carrying it out.
16. d. If within 15 days from the date of the occurrence of the event, each party shall be entitled to notify the other party of the termination of this contract without either party being entitled to claim any further damages.
16.e. The party claiming force majeure must prove the impossibility of performance within 30 days from the date of the event but within the limits of Article 16.c.


17.a. By using/viewing/viewing/etc. the sites and/or any content sent by ETIGE COUTURE to the User/Customer by accessing and/or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), the User/Customer agrees at least to these "Terms and Conditions of Use".
17. b. Any dispute with reference to these "Terms and Conditions" that may arise between the User/Customer and ETIGE COUTURE will be settled amicably.
17. c. ETIGE COUTURE is not liable for any loss, costs, suits, claims, expenses or other liabilities, if they are directly caused by the breach of the Terms and Conditions.
17. d. Any dispute of any kind that may arise between the User and ETIGE COUTURE or its partners will be settled amicably. If this is not possible, the conflict will be solved in court, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.
17. e. If any of the above clauses is found to be void or invalid, regardless of the cause, this clause shall not affect the validity of the other clauses.
17. f. This document has been drawn up and shall be interpreted in accordance with Romanian law.


18.a. ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to the site/its structure/service, including changes that may affect the site and/or any content without prior notice to the User or the Client.
18.b. ETIGE COUTURE cannot be held responsible for any errors occurring on the site due to any cause, including changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the site administrator.
18. c. ETIGE COUTURE reserves the right to place advertising banners of any nature and/or links on any page of the site, in compliance with the legislation in force. The exception is the pages where the partner companies or their offers are presented and where banners of a competitive nature will not be inserted.
Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on www.etigecouture.com and which is not already dealt with in any of the articles of the present document, will be solved amicably within 30 working days from the date of the written notification of the problem by the user. In the event of failure to settle the dispute amicably, the Romanian courts or an alternative dispute resolution body agreed by both parties shall have jurisdiction. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of Use of www.etigecouture.com, the customer assumes the full consequences arising from the use of the site under these conditions.